Best Friend
Bangkok Design Week 2021 decided on a theme relating to the Pandemic and how we were forced to live apart yet work together as one in order to see the end of the on going pandemic. They had asked for a bench installment from different brands in which the benches are able to connect to one another creating one big piece. Similar to how we are barred to live isolated, but living isolated has helped us reach a bigger goal. Thus, came the "Best Friend" bench.

The pandemic that has plagued all of us around the world since the beginning of 2020 until now has forced us to change our behaviors and lifestyles. With the effort in minimizing the infection rates, social distancing has become a norm. We have been asked to work from home, to stay home and stay in and to avoid seeing colleagues and loved ones. With this effort, although important, it has made us distant from those we were once closed.

But if we look at the other side of the spectrum, this social distancing practice can make us spend more time with ourselves or our family we live with including our four legged best friend whom would patiently wait for us to get up from our computers to play fetch or to give them a little of our attention. These friends, in the midst of being socially distant with their sense of love and nurturing can make us feel a sense of togetherness and fill the void of loneliness that has formed over the course of this long pandemic.

My Friend Bench was designed with all our four legged friends in mind, made fully from brass with the lost wax casting method; the bench brings our pets as part of the coziness of the furniture. The integration of the dog and the bench shows the affection and close knit relationship we have with them. The bench was designed with a curve to make it more modern with the user having the ability to adjust the bench in ways that are most fitting for their usage.